Friday, February 29, 2008

Last night (February 28, 2008) I had a date with kind of a strange woman from .

Are you familiar with that site? It's totally free and pretty user friendly.

Anyway, this woman first contacted me and we met at a Starbucks in the Kensington area of San Diego, California. Now, mind you, it's quite rare for me to go out with someone close to my height (almost 6'2" tall), and she was 6-foot and very attractive, to boot...

I suggested that we have dinner at a nearby "trendy" burger joint. She ordered a turkey burger and I had a Quinoa (vege) burger, which was quite tasty and filling. We talked about our lives and then she asked if I wanted to see a film across the street at The Ken theater. She even said that she would buy the tickets.

Normally, I do not stay out late on a work night, but being that I was becoming quite ennamoured with her, I agreed to this endeavor.

Then we went across the street to the theater.

Well, even though this film (called Four Months, Three Weeks, Two Days) won some awards, it wasn't exactly a First Date Flick because it was a very serious film made in Roumania about a young woman getting an abortion in a hotel room. Afterwards, I remarked that the film was well done and should be shown to young women to let them know what can happen during an [illegal] abortion.

By the way, I did not pick this movie to see; my date did...

While inside the movie theater, I had to crouch down in my seat so the woman behind me could see the screen. After an hour and a half of "crouching," I was quite relieved when the film ended.

As I walked my date to her car, she remarked that it is her "goal to meet 30 men and find someone compatible."

Isn't that a heck of a thing to tell a guy on a First (and Last) Date?